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Hybrid Cloud Solutions? It’s Easy If You Do It Smart 

eWay Corp March 3, 2020 2 MIN READ


hybrid cloud solutions provider

Architecting hybrid cloud solutions allow any organizations to tap the advantages of both private and public cloud deployments simultaneously. But its main benefit lies in accelerating digital business transformation through agility. eWay Corp unveils some of the advantages of hybrid cloud computing solutions and a well-maintained computing environment for business.

Hybrid cloud is relevant for modern businesses

Cloud computing is constantly on move; it’s a technology that is in progress. Most importantly, it has emerged as one of the most reliable ways to add value to your business. It not only propels productivity but ensures that your business becomes more agile. A revolution in progress, the hybrid cloud solution is the future of enterprise IT.

Hybrid cloud computing solutions combine the USPs of blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, big data. Resultantly, there are several hybrid cloud benefits that augment your business. The best thing about the hybrid cloud is that it is a complete cloud solution. It seamlessly blends the high-security features of private cloud with easy-to-access features of the public cloud.

Hybrid cloud solutions cater to complex deployment scenarios and to diverse use cases. As it leverages the best of both worlds (public and private cloud), it assures greater flexibility with its dynamic architecture.

A middle path between on-premise application & public cloud

Most organizations often struggle to find a middle path between the public cloud and the deployment of on-premise applications. There are many companies that want to retain their data centers to ensure compliance and operational control. But they are always on the lookout for more resources for business.

The idea of shifting a portion of their business to the public cloud often seems risky. Their reluctance stems from finding the right hybrid cloud solutions provider in Des Moines. Here is where eWay Corp can help you.

We are known for our hybrid cloud services in Iowa. We have noticed that there are organizations that need additional storage and computing resources to meet their long-term plans.

At times, it also happens that there is a sudden spike in work volume which requires cloud intervention. Deployment of a hybrid cloud environment is helpful in such a scenario. Combining the best of both public and private cloud, a hybrid environment offers flexible solutions. This flexibility is much needed as it’s not possible for the business to scale back to the original in-house servers.

It’s not practical to limit cloud computing infrastructure only to private data centers. For your business to scale heights, it’s imperative to move to a public cloud. But most business owners are concerned about security. Here’s where hybrid cloud solutions come to your rescue. Integrating a public cloud to the prevalent IT strategy results in an affordable solution to process large volumes of data without expensive downtime.

Hybrid cloud offers the best disaster recovery option 

After the deployment of a hybrid cloud solution, an organization has the liberty to put their data and applications either in a private or public cloud platform. In most cases, organizations prefer to retain their data center for sensitive data and use the public cloud for less risky resources.

Hybrid cloud solutions become imperative for organizations that want to get the benefit of speed and flexibility without replacing their existing IT infrastructure. Here are some of the ways in which hybrid cloud solutions bring a distinctive edge to your business.

  • Your organization can now easily respond to the need of the hour, changing business dynamics as per customer demands
  • Your business becomes more cost-effective reducing expenses in the following segments: cloud bursting and disaster recovery plans
  • Now you can optimize storage, computing and networking resources with an efficient hybrid cloud strategy. An IT environment is created which can be dialed back or scaled back as per business requirements.
  • With effective hybrid cloud solutions for small businesses, it’s now possible to switch the money spent on IT on other business needs. The pay-as-you-go-model helps to match your demand patterns with cost patterns.

There are some areas where the hybrid environment may not work

Although there are many advantages to the hybrid cloud, security issues remain a concern. There are many organizations that are not comfortable with the idea of transporting information to a network regulated by a third-party service provider.

You don’t want unwanted levels of complexity when you shift to a cloud environment. But at the same time, your business needs to be flexible and cost-effective. So, if you are planning to shift to a cloud environment, it’s essential that you prepare to live and dream in an automated world.

Automation is the key to business transformation in the next few years. You can’t ignore the fact that more and more businesses will take the help of automation to scale their business.

FAQs when planning hybrid cloud journey

1. Do we have the right people to support the IT transformation?

You need to look at your existing IT infrastructure and ask yourself whether you are ready for a hybrid cloud environment. IT leaders can either outsource the work to a third-party service provider like eWay Corp who offers hybrid cloud services in Iowa. Or you need in-house security engineers, cloud architects, and full-stack engineers. There are a few companies that also rely on data scientists or machine learning specialists to integrate cloud with their present IT infrastructure.

2. Is it okay to automate IT to the fullest?

Most companies are ready to implement test-driven development to achieve full automation. It’s easier for them to set up a develop-and-test environment. Here the developers can work via a self-service mechanism, eliminate wait period with go for one-click deployment.

Organizations can introduce automation in service-request management with fast incident response. Data and machine learning are used optimally to accelerate the decision-making process and enable control in different places.

3. Changes in the IT environment with hybrid cloud solutions

Over the years, the IT environment has experienced a lot of changes and with each change, a layer of complexity has been added. Trying to keep up with the changes has not been easy. But at the same time, the changes have offered more flexibility for the organizations.

It’s a known fact that hybrid cloud infrastructure will offer more consistency with automation. Now IT resources will be free to add more business value by developing new applications. The operational models will undergo a transformation in different verticals like processes, people and technology in a hybrid environment.

4. Edge computing & its contribution to the hybrid environment

One of the biggest opportunities in cloud infrastructure is a distributed system. Most businesses need quick access to computing sources and data for their customer service. Edge computing comes to their help in this regard.

The best thing about edge computing is that it is based on IoT (Internet of Things) and can process large volumes of data in real-time. It is now possible to lower operational expenses, by sending the most important information to the cloud.

Even edge computing is not the final stage in cloud infrastructure, but it is an evolved system that is adopted by different industries.

If you want a trusted partner for your cloud computing solutions, you can rely on eWay Corp. We will look at your requirements and provide you with a comprehensive plan.