Why Cascade CMS and Higher Education Websites are a Dream Team

Why Cascade CMS and Higher Education Websites are a Dream Team

The process of establishing a firm online presence for educational institutions is fraught with challenges today. From the complicated structures of academic content to the pressing need for user-friendly interfaces, higher education websites grapple with countless different issues and complexities. Faced with this reality, as universities and colleges strive to bridge the gap between traditional…

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WordPress 6.4.2 Addresses Remote Code Execution & Other Issues 

WordPress 6.4.2 Addresses Remote Code Execution & Other Issues

2023 was a landmark year for the WordPress community, marked by significant version updates, including WordPress 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4. It even saw numerous maintenance and security enhancements, such as the WordPress 6.4.1 maintenance release.   However, the journey didn’t stop there. A month following the 6.4.1 release, the WordPress team introduced another security and maintenance…

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